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Life is a #gift – My Brothers Story #fuckcancer

A lot of friends and acquaintances messaged me saying they had read my last blog post. I didn’t know that many people read it, so that was a cool surprise. It was also a really good feeling to receive so many messages as I didn’t really realize just how many people were thinking about me through all of this.

I thought I’d give an update as to what is going on now. I also wanted to share what this whole cancer situation taught me.

I have had the surgery and everything seems to be fine. I find out on Thursday if I need chemo but I don’t think I will. I have a really good feeling that the worst is over and that I will be fine. For those of you who don’t know, I had testicular cancer. I had to get the surgery that as a man seems like your worst nightmare come true. Yeah… you guessed it.

Last November, I nearly died in a car accident. I broke all my ribs, had a collapsed lung and a torn spleen. Then, this past early November, I was driving down the Port Mann bridge and saw a lady lying dead on the road, torn apart to pieces.

Then, my dad had some strokes. Me and my colleague were talking about it and he was saying he hopes my dad is okay and how crazy it is that something can happen to you out of nowhere like that. The next thing we knew, his dad was in the hospital too, with lung cancer. We were then talking about how short life is. A week later, I was in the hospital, finding out I had a seminoma tumor, sitting in my car thinking about the fact that I might die in a much shorter amount of time than I suspected…. the thought of only having a few months left crossed my mind more than once, no matter how positive I tried to be. Eventually that feeling went away, and I realized something else.

The actual reality is, you can die and life is short. It’s a cliche for a reason… You can lose everything even if you take the safe route. You could go for a drive down the road to work, not knowing that is your last day. I think it’s very important for people to remember this. If everyone did, the world would be a different place.

So what Im going to do, is take risks in life and deal with the consequences after the fact. You need to go after what you want and forget the rest. There is no downside when you do that.

The honey badger would agree with all of this I think. The honey badger just takes what it wants…he doesn’t give a sh*t.

And that’s it. That’s what I learned. Hope to see everyone again soon and I’ll be back to 100% within a week or two!


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