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Archive for February, 2012

Finding the right #surfboardbag for your #travelsurfboard

OK..so if your like me, you are planning a surf trip involving an airplane – Sounds intimidating taking a surfboard on a plane doesn’t it? Especially because I think we have all learned by now that the airport staff does not care about the “Fragile” Sticker slapped onto your luggage.

A surfboard bag for travelling will need to have a lot more protection to ensure your surfboard does not get destroyed by the guys at the airport.  A surfboard bag with a minimum of 10 mm protective high density insulation material is going to be required to keep your loveboard in one piece.

The same rules also apply regarding appropriate surfboard length, width, and nose requirements. Travel bags are available for holding from just 1 surfboard up to about 5. Travel bags can also be extremely handy for long term storage of your surfboard, especially if someone else is going to be looking after it who isn’t a surfer and therefore isn’t adept in surfboard care.

Wheeled Surfboard Travel Bags


Wheeled Surfboard Bag

Surfboard travel bags can come with wheels, which is extremely handy when you are thinking about travelling with or shipping multiple surfboards. Also if your shoulders aren’t what they used to be, this can be a great option even though you will need a spare hand to drag it along. (http://allaboutsurfboards.com/surfboard-bag/)

Non-Wheeled Surfboard Travel Bags


Surfboard Travel Bag

These surfboard bags will be less expensive than their cousins with wheels, and come with a very sturdy shoulder strap, freeing up both of your hands. This will come down to personal preference, budget, how many surfboards you are carrying, how much weight you can carry and how much other stuff you are travelling with. (http://allaboutsurfboards.com/surfboard-bag/)

If you go with a non-wheeled travel bag it is very important to check that the shoulder strap is padded nicely, otherwise the strap will slice into you pretty quickly!

That being said I HIGHLY recommend the bag with wheels – you won’t regret spending the extra cash.

DO you have any favorite board bags?

#Nicaragua – About to embark on the journey of a lifetime

Today was officially my last day of work before heading off to Nicaragua.

For our trip, my friend Steph and I are flying into Liberia, Costa Rica – jumping onto a bus to the border and then getting on yet another bus to San Juan del Sur. In San Juan del Sur we are meeting up with my brothers friends who own a surf ranch and the fun will begin!

The only things we have on the agenda is to start at the Pacific Ocean for some surfing goodness and then heading over to the Corn Islands for some snorkeling and diving and then back over to Grenada and then back to San Juan del Sur for some more surfing. We will also be doing some volunteering on behalf of Women For Waves so stay tuned!!

With every trip I go on, I know I am going to learn so much and I cannot wait to experience this. This is my first time heading to this part of the world and I cannot wait to jump in feet first. I will try and keep everyone updated with pictures as well while I am gone.

With all of the excitement also comes anxiety. Most people that have been to Nicaragua have told both Steph and I that we are most likely going to get robbed. I really hope this doesn’t happen but I will give frequent updates!



Why I Love #Tofino – My first published article! #VancouverIslandStyleMagazine

Tofino Surfing