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5 Tips For Beginners Learning To #Surf In Canada

1. Make sure you take a lesson!
The first time I ever went surfing, I didn’t consider lessons because I was an avid snowboarder – turns out that was a big mistake. Fast forward about four more surf trips when I finally got a lesson and it was AMAZING how much easier surfing got once someone showed me how! If your in Tofino, I would recommend Pacific Surf School – they are thee absolute BEST and I would never go anywhere else (ph. 1-888-777-9961).

2. If you are planning on surfing in BC and more than once, I recommend you purchase a good wetsuit.
Most people won’t tell you this off the bat, but EVERYONE pees in their wetsuit, if you’re wearing a wetsuit, chances are someone has peed in it. Really, the salt water helps to clear that out and most rental companies hose the suits down after each use so it is not a big deal, but if you are like me and the thought of that grosses you out, you may want to purchase a new suit. For Tofino I would recommend the Rip Curl Dawn Patrol 5/3. This wetsuit is super warm, I own it! I also recommend you watch this video before you attempt to put a wetsuit on, save yourself from frustration https://womenforwaves.wordpress.com/2012/01/16/i-know-it-seems-obvious-but-how-to-put-on-a-wetsuit/

3. Give LOVE to the Long Boards!!!
When I first started surfing and the guy at the rental shop handed me a long board, I felt kind of bummed. I wanted those convenient and cool looking short boards so that I could carry it to the beach easier.. Now, after renting both – I can honestly ASSURE you LONGER is Better!!! You will be so thankful and have such a better session if you start on a long board. There are lots of tricks you can do and you WILL catch waves 😉

4. Get your fitness on..
To really excel and love your session, you may want to work on your fitness. Surfing is a lot of core and A LOT of paddling so cardio is necessary. This is my favorite surf workout: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XxtcH7kZ32s

5. Be Patient
All great things in life take time and hard work. If you don’t catch the first wave that rolls beneath you don’t worry! Sometimes body surfing is equally is fun and just being out in the waves is fun! Enjoy every minute of it!

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