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Posts tagged “calgary

#Karma – Doing good for others will actually help you in the end.

Recently, I met a very strong independent woman whom I am now going to call my role model. She is an insurance broker/real estate agent/yoga studio owner who is now my inspiration.

This woman is balancing so many major projects but still has the power to make everyone in her presence feel heard and loved. I met her because recently I just joined The Hot Yoga Lounge (Calgary) ambassador team.

When I signed up, I was assuming I would be volunteering to work front desk – receptionist role – in exchange for free yoga classes which would have been awesome. But what this woman offered was even better – A life lesson and a chance to help others.

I loved her business model so much I just had to write about it. She literally will give you free yoga to go out and do good in your community. This could mean anything from playing cards with seniors at an old folks home to handing out waters at a marathon to cleaning up garbage in a park. The opportunities are endless. I love this method so much because it helps everyone to become more engaged in the community and feel good about what you are doing.

I actually want to pay her more for classes now because I know how much good she is doing for the community and I feel like if she had my dollars she would spend them in all of the right places. More businesses should operate like this. This has inspired me now to start my own business.

More on that to come…
Remember to love your neighbours and take care of them. It feels great to nourish and foster those around you.

I am so thankful for that life lesson and am so happy to pass it on


My Favorite Restaurant in #YYC @WinebarKensi

My Favorite Restaurant in #YYC @WinebarKensi

If your in Calgary you have to try it!