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Posts tagged “fitness

30 Minute Surf #workout – No equipment/gym required

photo 1Lately, time has not been on my side nor has money, so I decided to come up with a quick, free 30 minute work out to help improve my endurance for surfing, so here we go:

1. 5 minute light jog (if possible in the sand, but if not thats okay too;) )

2. 1 minute of hip circles laying down on each side (now we are 7 minutes in)

3. 2 minutes of neck stretching and shoulder shrugs

4. 3 minutes of push up rotations (How to: )

5.  2 minutes of reverse lunge and reaches (How to: )

6.  2 minutes of squatting and rotating (


7.  3 minutes of practice pop ups (make sure that you are staying in line how you would on a board)

8. For 3 minutes do as many 20 second sprints as possible with 10 second breaks in between as possible.

9. 2 minutes of dips (How to:)

10. 2 minutes of inverted rows (How to: 

11. 1 minute of core (How to: )

12. 4 minutes of sun salutation (How to: )

** Keep in mind its also good to keep up yoga and stretching in combination with these exercises for optimal results.


5 Tips For Beginners Learning To #Surf In Canada

1. Make sure you take a lesson!
The first time I ever went surfing, I didn’t consider lessons because I was an avid snowboarder – turns out that was a big mistake. Fast forward about four more surf trips when I finally got a lesson and it was AMAZING how much easier surfing got once someone showed me how! If your in Tofino, I would recommend Pacific Surf School – they are thee absolute BEST and I would never go anywhere else (ph. 1-888-777-9961).

2. If you are planning on surfing in BC and more than once, I recommend you purchase a good wetsuit.
Most people won’t tell you this off the bat, but EVERYONE pees in their wetsuit, if you’re wearing a wetsuit, chances are someone has peed in it. Really, the salt water helps to clear that out and most rental companies hose the suits down after each use so it is not a big deal, but if you are like me and the thought of that grosses you out, you may want to purchase a new suit. For Tofino I would recommend the Rip Curl Dawn Patrol 5/3. This wetsuit is super warm, I own it! I also recommend you watch this video before you attempt to put a wetsuit on, save yourself from frustration https://womenforwaves.wordpress.com/2012/01/16/i-know-it-seems-obvious-but-how-to-put-on-a-wetsuit/

3. Give LOVE to the Long Boards!!!
When I first started surfing and the guy at the rental shop handed me a long board, I felt kind of bummed. I wanted those convenient and cool looking short boards so that I could carry it to the beach easier.. Now, after renting both – I can honestly ASSURE you LONGER is Better!!! You will be so thankful and have such a better session if you start on a long board. There are lots of tricks you can do and you WILL catch waves 😉

4. Get your fitness on..
To really excel and love your session, you may want to work on your fitness. Surfing is a lot of core and A LOT of paddling so cardio is necessary. This is my favorite surf workout: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XxtcH7kZ32s

5. Be Patient
All great things in life take time and hard work. If you don’t catch the first wave that rolls beneath you don’t worry! Sometimes body surfing is equally is fun and just being out in the waves is fun! Enjoy every minute of it!

For those of you who don’t know.. Now you know #surfingincanada

Overcome your #fear of #sharks in 5 steps…

Are #Sharks holding you back from #Surfing? Fear No More!!

To overcome your nagging fear of sharks – it can be as simple as five steps to work your way through that fear and turn it into bliss. To truly enjoy the ocean and what it has to offer you – don’t let sharks get in the way!

Steps of overcoming your fears:

1. Do your RESEARCH – the more you watch “Discovery Channels Shark Week” you’ll find one common theme – majority of sharks are not after humans.

2. Practice and think SAFETY first – Make sure before you get in the water you have always checked with locals if sharks are common to that area, research on the internet, and always have a plan. There are lots of videos online on what to do if you see a shark.

3. Make sure you are FIT – If you are getting in your regular cardio it will make you feel more confident in the water.

4. Never surf alone, Always SURF W/ COMPANY – like any sport, surfing is most safe in groups. When it comes to sharks – the more people you have on the water the more eyes there are for spotting

5. Just BREATHE. If you are getting fatigued, swim to shore until you are feeling strong enough to go out again.

#yoga Raves!! I need to make this happen! #inspiring

#Yoga and #Surf Tips: Back-Strengthening

Exercise: The following is a back-strengthening and chest-opening pose.

Benefits: This pose opens the chest muscles and fascia, builds the back muscles, with core stabilization and structural alignment. It also creates a positive muscle memory for over-use that results from paddling.

How To Do It:

1. Start with your forehead on the ground. Tuck your chin and face your palms, with your feet together.

2. When you inhale, reach your fingers back and your feet up. Keep your knees and feet together as you raise your chest in concert with your breathe.

3. When you exhale drop your forehead down on the ground, tucking your chin, and lowering your feet and hands.

4. Repeat three times.

5. Go into child’s pose to ease any lower back tension from the sacrum.


4 Tips to Maximize Your Surfing Workout

Image#1 – Focus on Core Strength

Core strength is referencing the muscles in your back and abdominal region.  They keep your spine straight and strong and keep your body balaned.  Surfing involves lots of rotating, balance and twisting.  Having solid core strength will ensure safety and decrease your chances of injury.  Adding exercises to include your neck, chest, back and hips will help to insure that your core isn’t overpoweringly strong, therefore throwing you off balance.  Strengthening your core will increase your ability to surf very quickly.  Some exercises to try for core strength would be squats, back extensions and stability ball twists.

#2 – Try Yoga!

If you haven’t already realized the power of incorporating yoga into your workout, now is the time!  Why Yoga for surfers you may ask?  Well, yoga allows you to strengthen and stretch every single muscle used in surfing.  It is also guaranteed to make you a better surfer by increasing your balance, your stamina…even your mental focus!  It can offer you stretches that will improve your muscles in the areas you need it most, such as your rotator cuffs for paddling, and your core muscles to help you stand up on your board quickly and with balance.  Not to mention the fabulous breathing techniques you’ll learn and practice that will increase your lung capacity greatly.   Practicing yoga when the swell is gone is a great way to help you say conditioned and prepared for when that swell comes back!  Some recommended poses would be downward facing dog or the plank.

#3 – Don’t forget to stretch!!

Stretching and flexibility are absolutely necessary for anyone serious about surfing.  If you become sore after a surf, that muscle soreness can prevent you from being completely on top of your game.  All that paddling and the impact from the waves can really put stress and strain on your physical body.  This is why adding a good stretching regime to your excersices is so important.  Not only do you decrease your physical soreness, you also increase the chances that you will not become injured.  You must remember to stretch both before and after a good surf, in addition to adding it to your regular exercise routine.  Stretch everything from your neck to your ankles!!!

#4 – Nutrition! Nutrition! Nutrition!!

Proper nutrition will ensure you can surf longer and have less negative side effects when you really spend a lot of time on the waves. Using common sense is key.  Eat as close to nature as you possibly can, be aware of your higher nutritional requirements because of the high activity and be sure to eat protein, carbs and healthy fats at every meal.  Feed the brain and feed the body!  And always always remember to stay hydrated! Limit caffeine and drink a minimum 100 oz of water every day…more on a scorcher.

10 Tips to Improve Your Stoke

Improve your Stoke

Courtesy of http://surftweeters.com/10-tips-to-improve-your-stoke/?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+SurftweetersBlog+%28SurfTweeters%29


The best surf workout I have found so far…




Get a Quicker Pop-up with Peggy Hall (Yoga for Surfers)

Welcome to Women For Waves!

I am excited to have you reading my blog. I am just a young women with an obsession for surfing and all things related to the ocean. My goal is to raise money for young women to be able to surf and to stay out of trouble. Surfing has been linked to aiding with autism and definitely assists with self esteem. I know for me personally, it keeps me out of trouble, forces me to eat healthy and maintain a fitness routine – it saved my life. This blog is to get the ball rolling on what hopefully one day will be an international movement to help get young ladies more involved in the sport of surfing.

Let the Ocean Guide You