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Posts tagged “gratitude

Want to be #rich? You dont need to be to #surf…

Someone asked me today “how are you going to surf – your not rich and you don’t live by an ocean?”

What that statement stirred up was an unreal rush of inspiration for me. I got the opportunity to let this person know that God works in mysterious ways and he will pave your way to the ocean – where theres a will there is a way.

She had a point – Yes, it is true, I do not live near an ocean, but in 24 hours I can drive to a beautiful ocean. The car in the picture is my ’87’ Toyota Corolla. No, it is not a station wagon it is just a regular car, and let me tell ya – it gets me to Tofino every time!

So for every person that tells you something is not possible – think of my whip. I am not rich, in fact I am in student debt still. But I still can surf, and surfing is one of the few sports that wont cost you thousands in equipment fees. And you dont need a fancy plane or fancy car to get you there either. Just be happy for what you have and if you are still not fulfilled than volunteer for others who have nothing. I guarantee your fulfillment meter will go off the charts.

Something to Consider.. Be #Grateful!

With a trip to Costa Rica and Nicaragua quickly approaching I have so much to be grateful for. My new years resolution was to write down 10 things I am grateful everyday and the more I do this the more I realize just how lucky I am.

This past weekend I got to spend time with my niece, nephew, grandma, and sister, and today I had a nice phone call with my brother, dad and mom and my aunty. I am so lucky to have such a wonderful family – and although we are not the stereotypical “perfect family” and do not always get along, I am still thankful that we all have one another.

But what has really been shocking to me lately is the friends that I have rediscovered as of lately. For Christmas I went back home to Kelowna, BC and hung out with some old friends that I havent seen since grade school – and what I discovered is that these are really great people. I was able to discover totally new friendships out of old friends that I had seemed to have lost touch with. I am really thankful for those friends and so excited to get to know the people they have become.

I know sometimes in life we are tempted to cut people out of our lives ( also known as friend trimming or writing off people ) but I dont think we should do this. Everyone deserves forgiveness and a second chance. People change and grow as they are shaped by their experiences – you never know who really could be a great friend. I think if we all tried to do this the world would be a better place.