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Posts tagged “happiness

5 Tips For Beginners Learning To #Surf In Canada

1. Make sure you take a lesson!
The first time I ever went surfing, I didn’t consider lessons because I was an avid snowboarder – turns out that was a big mistake. Fast forward about four more surf trips when I finally got a lesson and it was AMAZING how much easier surfing got once someone showed me how! If your in Tofino, I would recommend Pacific Surf School – they are thee absolute BEST and I would never go anywhere else (ph. 1-888-777-9961).

2. If you are planning on surfing in BC and more than once, I recommend you purchase a good wetsuit.
Most people won’t tell you this off the bat, but EVERYONE pees in their wetsuit, if you’re wearing a wetsuit, chances are someone has peed in it. Really, the salt water helps to clear that out and most rental companies hose the suits down after each use so it is not a big deal, but if you are like me and the thought of that grosses you out, you may want to purchase a new suit. For Tofino I would recommend the Rip Curl Dawn Patrol 5/3. This wetsuit is super warm, I own it! I also recommend you watch this video before you attempt to put a wetsuit on, save yourself from frustration https://womenforwaves.wordpress.com/2012/01/16/i-know-it-seems-obvious-but-how-to-put-on-a-wetsuit/

3. Give LOVE to the Long Boards!!!
When I first started surfing and the guy at the rental shop handed me a long board, I felt kind of bummed. I wanted those convenient and cool looking short boards so that I could carry it to the beach easier.. Now, after renting both – I can honestly ASSURE you LONGER is Better!!! You will be so thankful and have such a better session if you start on a long board. There are lots of tricks you can do and you WILL catch waves šŸ˜‰

4. Get your fitness on..
To really excel and love your session, you may want to work on your fitness. Surfing is a lot of core and A LOT of paddling so cardio is necessary. This is my favorite surf workout: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XxtcH7kZ32s

5. Be Patient
All great things in life take time and hard work. If you don’t catch the first wave that rolls beneath you don’t worry! Sometimes body surfing is equally is fun and just being out in the waves is fun! Enjoy every minute of it!

For those of you who don’t know.. Now you know #surfingincanada


If this video doesnt rattle your cage and make you clammy with excitment I dont know what will!

Rip Curl’s Tip 2 Tip : Nalu Highlights

10 Tips to make today count #YOLO

1. Smile at whoever you can even if your in a bad mood yourself.
2. Compliment at least 3 people
3. Try something new that scares you
4. Do a sun salutation
5. Eat something that came from the earth you walk on and give thanks
6. Tell someone who you wouldnt normally how much you appreciate them
7. Set at least one goal
8. Follow your budget today, and take it one day at a time
9. Call an elder and let you know you were thinking of them and love them.
10. Volunteer

10 Reasons Why Everyone Should Experience Tofino



  1. Tofino isĀ hands downĀ the most beautiful piece of paradise on Earth.Ā 
  2. You can safely surf; with great surf spots for both beginners and advanced surfers.
  3. Tofino has thee BEST Taco place in the world!!! Check out Tacofino!Ā http://tacofino.com/
  4. In Tofino you can get down with nature and become one with a natural rainforest and hike to your hearts desire.
  5. You can experience natural hot springs in Maquinna Provincial Park while breathing in the fresh pine and salt water air
  6. The locals in Tofino are the most fabulous, patient and fun people to be around. They are more than willing to teach you about the local culture and scene.
  7. Everyday in Tofino is a surprise! You never know what you will find –
  8. Tofino heals your mind and soul and makes you remember what is important in life. Tofino makes life get real.
  9. Mid October feels like summer – No need for jacketsImage
  10. You will experience nothing but smiles!!!!

Since today is Valentines Day, I thought I’d share with you why I love Tofino SO SO much, these are just a few reasons. Happy Valentines Day everyone!! Remember what is important and to honor your values.

Want to be #rich? You dont need to be to #surf…

Someone asked me today “how are you going to surf – your not rich and you don’t live by an ocean?”

What that statement stirred up was an unreal rush of inspiration for me. I got the opportunity to let this person know that God works in mysterious ways and he will pave your way to the ocean – where theres a will there is a way.

She had a point – Yes, it is true, I do not live near an ocean, but in 24 hours I can drive to a beautiful ocean. The car in the picture is my ’87’ Toyota Corolla. No, it is not a station wagon it is just a regular car, and let me tell ya – it gets me to Tofino every time!

So for every person that tells you something is not possible – think of my whip. I am not rich, in fact I am in student debt still. But I still can surf, and surfing is one of the few sports that wont cost you thousands in equipment fees. And you dont need a fancy plane or fancy car to get you there either. Just be happy for what you have and if you are still not fulfilled than volunteer for others who have nothing. I guarantee your fulfillment meter will go off the charts.

Something to Consider.. Be #Grateful!

With a trip to Costa Rica and Nicaragua quickly approaching I have so much to be grateful for. My new years resolution was to write down 10 things I am grateful everyday and the more I do this the more I realize just how lucky I am.

This past weekend I got to spend time with my niece, nephew, grandma, and sister, and today I had a nice phone call with my brother, dad and mom and my aunty. I am so lucky to have such a wonderful family – and although we are not the stereotypical “perfect family” and do not always get along, I am still thankful that we all have one another.

But what has really been shocking to me lately is the friends that I have rediscovered as of lately. For Christmas I went back home to Kelowna, BC and hung out with some old friends that I havent seen since grade school – and what I discovered is that these are really great people. I was able to discover totally new friendships out of old friends that I had seemed to have lost touch with. I am really thankful for those friends and so excited to get to know the people they have become.

I know sometimes in life we are tempted to cut people out of our lives ( also known as friend trimming or writing off people ) but I dont think we should do this. Everyone deserves forgiveness and a second chance. People change and grow as they are shaped by their experiences – you never know who really could be a great friend. I think if we all tried to do this the world would be a better place.

#Change The World By Doing Work You Love


Think back for a second to one or two of your most proud accomplishments. Think about where you were and what was going on. Really feel what you felt. Do you remember who was there?

Now think of your most recent accomplishment ā€“ big or small. Anything youā€™re super proud of will do.

What was the first urge you had immediately after the accomplishment?

If youā€™re anything like the rest of the world, it was to tell someone. Maybe you called your husband or wife, grabbed your business partner or called a close friend. If all else failed, perhaps you grabbed someone on the street.

Whoever it was, one thing doesnā€™t change. When we accomplish things or have meaningful experiences, our natural reaction is to share it with others. Because when we share it, it takes the experience to a whole new level.

Why is it fun to go to a party, have a workout partner or build a family?

Because relationships make life what it is. Most everything we look forward to has a great deal to do with the people we are going to experience it with. Whether itā€™s a wedding and the family, friends and person you are about to marry, or if itā€™s a solo trip around the world and the uncertainty of all the amazing people you are likely to meet along the adventure.

Everything is fun because of people.

It all comes back to relationships.

Especially ones closest to you.

Unfortunately the ones closest to us are the ones we tend to take for granted the most. Ever notice how you can easily be in a nasty mood around your spouse but as soon as youā€™re around strangers, friends or acquaintances, everything is peaches and cream?

Whatā€™s with that? Shouldnā€™t it be the other way around ā€“ Offer your best to those who mean the most to you?

Without the people close to me nothing else matters.

Everyone reading this is in one of two places: You either love your work or are going to love your work real soon. Thatā€™s going to change the world and weĀ desperatelyĀ need it.

But either way, you will no doubt face this problem. Yes, itā€™s a high-class problem to have, Ā but also one with serious repercussions if not taken to heart.

Love your work. Get lost in it. Make it a part of who you are.

But donā€™t let yourself forget why what you do matters in the first place.

The people close to you come first. No matter how big the dreams youā€™re living or the accomplishments your achieving.

The people close to you come first.

Sure, there will be plenty more 2-3 weeks stretches where Iā€™m about to launch something new and all hands are on deck. But for every one of those stretches, I promise to have plenty more days out on an adventure or laying on the couch with Chelsea getting lost in our favorite game or watching way too many episodes of Friday Night Lights (or whatever show we happen to be obsessed with at the time). And there will be plenty more weeks and months of exploring new parts of the world on top of that.

Because itā€™s those experiences that make things fun. Theyā€™re what matter.

Itā€™s easy to forget. And all of us will from time to time (I know Iā€™ll be guilty of it again). So let this be a reminder. And be thankful of the people close to you who care enough to get angry or hurt when you temporarily lose your way.

We need that wakeup call more than anything.

So what relationships have you let slip? Who deserves more attention? Who do you want to give more attention but have recently convinced yourself you ā€œdonā€™t have the timeā€?Ā Who do you want to connect with for the first time?

Jot down a list of names and itā€™s time to play a little catch-up.

Iā€™ve put together a few ideas to help get things back on trackā€¦


Source: http://liveyourlegend.net/

5 Ways to Stay #Motivated over the Christmas Holidays

1. Find Inspiration:

Inspiration, for me, comes from others who have achieved what I want to achieve, or who are currently doing it. It also comes from my environment surroundings and even things I readĀ  in other blogs, books,Ā  or magazines. I Google my goal, and read success stories. Zen Habits is just one place for inspiration, not only from me but from many readers who have achieved amazing things. If I am really stuck, I do yoga to open up my mind.

2. Have ONE goal:

Whenever Iā€™ve been in a slump, Iā€™ve discovered that itā€™s often because I have too much going on in my life. Iā€™m trying to do too much. And it saps my energy and motivation. Itā€™s probably the most common mistake that people make: they try to take on too much, try to accomplish too many goals at once. You cannot maintain energy and focus (the two most important things in accomplishing a goal) if you are trying to do two or more goals at once. Itā€™s not possible ā€” Iā€™ve tried it many times. You have to choose one goal, for now, and focus on it completely. I know, thatā€™s hard. Still, I speak from experience. You can always do your other goals when youā€™ve accomplished your One Goal.

3.Ā  Get Excited:

This sounds obvious, but most people donā€™t think about it much: if you want to break out of a slump, get yourself excited about a goal. But how can you do that when you donā€™t feel motivated? Well, it starts with inspiration from others (see above), but you have to take that excitement and build on it. For me, Iā€™ve learned that by talking to my wife about it, and to others, and reading as much about it as possible, and visualizing what it would be like to be successful (seeing the benefits of the goal in my head), I get excited about a goal. Once Iā€™ve done that, itā€™s just a matter of carrying that energy forward and keeping it going.

4. Commit Publicly:

None of us likes to look bad in front of others. We will go the extra mile to do something weā€™ve said publicly.Ā  You can do it with friends and family and co-workers, and you can do it on your blog if you have one. And hold yourself accountable ā€” donā€™t just commit once, but commit to giving progress updates to everyone every week or so. I write everything down and make check lists to ensure I am achieving my goals.

5. Think about it daily:

If you think about your goal every day, it is much more likely to become true. To this end, posting the goal on your wall or computer desktop (as mentioned above) helps a lot. Sending yourself daily reminders also helps. And if you can commit to doing one small thing to further your goal (even just 5 minutes) every single day, your goal will almost certainly come true.