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Posts tagged “health

30 Minute Surf #workout – No equipment/gym required

photo 1Lately, time has not been on my side nor has money, so I decided to come up with a quick, free 30 minute work out to help improve my endurance for surfing, so here we go:

1. 5 minute light jog (if possible in the sand, but if not thats okay too;) )

2. 1 minute of hip circles laying down on each side (now we are 7 minutes in)

3. 2 minutes of neck stretching and shoulder shrugs

4. 3 minutes of push up rotations (How to: )

5.  2 minutes of reverse lunge and reaches (How to: )

6.  2 minutes of squatting and rotating (


7.  3 minutes of practice pop ups (make sure that you are staying in line how you would on a board)

8. For 3 minutes do as many 20 second sprints as possible with 10 second breaks in between as possible.

9. 2 minutes of dips (How to:)

10. 2 minutes of inverted rows (How to: 

11. 1 minute of core (How to: )

12. 4 minutes of sun salutation (How to: )

** Keep in mind its also good to keep up yoga and stretching in combination with these exercises for optimal results.


5 Tips For Beginners Learning To #Surf In Canada

1. Make sure you take a lesson!
The first time I ever went surfing, I didn’t consider lessons because I was an avid snowboarder – turns out that was a big mistake. Fast forward about four more surf trips when I finally got a lesson and it was AMAZING how much easier surfing got once someone showed me how! If your in Tofino, I would recommend Pacific Surf School – they are thee absolute BEST and I would never go anywhere else (ph. 1-888-777-9961).

2. If you are planning on surfing in BC and more than once, I recommend you purchase a good wetsuit.
Most people won’t tell you this off the bat, but EVERYONE pees in their wetsuit, if you’re wearing a wetsuit, chances are someone has peed in it. Really, the salt water helps to clear that out and most rental companies hose the suits down after each use so it is not a big deal, but if you are like me and the thought of that grosses you out, you may want to purchase a new suit. For Tofino I would recommend the Rip Curl Dawn Patrol 5/3. This wetsuit is super warm, I own it! I also recommend you watch this video before you attempt to put a wetsuit on, save yourself from frustration https://womenforwaves.wordpress.com/2012/01/16/i-know-it-seems-obvious-but-how-to-put-on-a-wetsuit/

3. Give LOVE to the Long Boards!!!
When I first started surfing and the guy at the rental shop handed me a long board, I felt kind of bummed. I wanted those convenient and cool looking short boards so that I could carry it to the beach easier.. Now, after renting both – I can honestly ASSURE you LONGER is Better!!! You will be so thankful and have such a better session if you start on a long board. There are lots of tricks you can do and you WILL catch waves 😉

4. Get your fitness on..
To really excel and love your session, you may want to work on your fitness. Surfing is a lot of core and A LOT of paddling so cardio is necessary. This is my favorite surf workout: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XxtcH7kZ32s

5. Be Patient
All great things in life take time and hard work. If you don’t catch the first wave that rolls beneath you don’t worry! Sometimes body surfing is equally is fun and just being out in the waves is fun! Enjoy every minute of it!

For those of you who don’t know.. Now you know #surfingincanada

5 Easy Steps to Make #GlutenFree Eggs Benedict that is DELICIOUS!

Ill start off by letting you know that this meal is VERY filling – when I make it I can only eat one half so it is perfect for sharing!

Step One:

Cut a Glutino bagel in half (I personally prefer the Glutino New York Style Sesame Bagel) and put it into the toaster.


Step Two:

While that bagel is toasting away, you can begin making the hollandaise sauce.
You will need:

– 4 tbsp of light olive oil or coconut oil
– 4 tbsp of cornstarch or sweet rice flour
– 1 cup of skim milk (you could also use soy or almond if you are lactose)
– 2 large egg yolks
– 3 tbsp of fresh squeezed lemon juice
– 1 dash of Franks Hot sauce
– 1 generous sprinkling of fresh dill
– 1 pinch of cayenne pepper

With the oil, melt over low heat in a medium saucepan. Whisk in the sweet rice flour or cornstarch and continue to mix until smooth. Remove the pan from heat and whisk in your milk or substitute and return to medium heat until the mixture comes to a boil. Remove the pan from the heat and whisk in egg yolks one at a time and return the pan to a low heat, sprinkle in a pinch of cayenne pepper. Whisk in the lemon juice and hotsauce and dill – add water to achieve desired thickness and VOILA!

While your stirring in a new pot boil enough water that it would just cover an egg on maximum heat.

Step 3:

Take two slices of smoked salmon and drape a piece over each of the toasted bagel halves. If you buy your salmon from the grocery store it will likely be frozen so please let it thaw overnight in your refrigerator – Remember to always check the label before you eat it! Smoked salmon is usually pre-cooked so you shouldn’t have to cook it.


Step 4:

Your almost done!! Now with that boiling pot of water from Step Two drop 2 eggs in on maximum heat. Crack an egg into a teacup ( in this case do it twice). Lower the teacup into the water slowly to release the egg into the water on a med – low heat. The egg white will coagulate in the water and turn white. Most eggs will take between two and three minutes for the white to cook but leave the yolk still runny. Remove the egg at this point with a slotted spoon or strainer.

Step 5:

The final step. You will place the eggs on top of the smoked salmon and smother with your hollandaise sauce. I like to add spinach or tomato as well but it’s really your preference from there on out. Sometimes spears of asparagus are a popular favorite as well along with some fresh capers and mint leaves.

Bon Appetit!



#Karma – Doing good for others will actually help you in the end.

Recently, I met a very strong independent woman whom I am now going to call my role model. She is an insurance broker/real estate agent/yoga studio owner who is now my inspiration.

This woman is balancing so many major projects but still has the power to make everyone in her presence feel heard and loved. I met her because recently I just joined The Hot Yoga Lounge (Calgary) ambassador team.

When I signed up, I was assuming I would be volunteering to work front desk – receptionist role – in exchange for free yoga classes which would have been awesome. But what this woman offered was even better – A life lesson and a chance to help others.

I loved her business model so much I just had to write about it. She literally will give you free yoga to go out and do good in your community. This could mean anything from playing cards with seniors at an old folks home to handing out waters at a marathon to cleaning up garbage in a park. The opportunities are endless. I love this method so much because it helps everyone to become more engaged in the community and feel good about what you are doing.

I actually want to pay her more for classes now because I know how much good she is doing for the community and I feel like if she had my dollars she would spend them in all of the right places. More businesses should operate like this. This has inspired me now to start my own business.

More on that to come…
Remember to love your neighbours and take care of them. It feels great to nourish and foster those around you.

I am so thankful for that life lesson and am so happy to pass it on

12 Foods You Should Avoid as a #Celiac – #gfree

  •  Any food that contains flours or grains of wheat, rye, barley and oats, including spelt flour
  • Marinades, sauces, mayonnaise, pickles, gravy mix.
  • Pasta and couscous.
  • Batter, breadcrumbs, pastry
  • Soy sauce and mono-sodium glutamate (MSG)
  • Stock or bouillon (Costco Sells “gluten free better than bouillon that is full of flavor)
  • Modified starch
  • Malt or malt flavouring (common ingredient in breakfast cereals) and malt vinegar.
  • Any ingredient listed as a “natural flavouring”
  • Processed meat or seafood.
  • There is a large list of forbidden ingredients (e.g. dextrin and malto-dextrin, citric acid), which generally are found in processed and prepared food and are sometimes made using wheat. As a simple rule, processed and prepared foods are not allowed unless specifically marked as gluten free.
  • Beer, grain based spirits.

#yoga Raves!! I need to make this happen! #inspiring

First Aid for Jelly Fish Stings

5 Easy Steps to Make #GlutenFree Eggs Benedict that is DELICIOUS!

Ill start off by letting you know that this meal is VERY filling – when I make it I can only eat one half so it is perfect for sharing!

Step One:

Cut a Glutino bagel in half (I personally prefer the Glutino New York Style Sesame Bagel) and put it into the toaster.


Step Two:

While that bagel is toasting away, you can begin making the hollandaise sauce.
You will need:

– 4 tbsp of light olive oil or coconut oil
– 4 tbsp of cornstarch or sweet rice flour
– 1 cup of skim milk (you could also use soy or almond if you are lactose)
– 2 large egg yolks
– 3 tbsp of fresh squeezed lemon juice
– 1 dash of Franks Hot sauce
– 1 generous sprinkling of fresh dill
– 1 pinch of cayenne pepper

With the oil, melt over low heat in a medium saucepan. Whisk in the sweet rice flour or cornstarch and continue to mix until smooth. Remove the pan from heat and whisk in your milk or substitute and return to medium heat until the mixture comes to a boil. Remove the pan from the heat and whisk in egg yolks one at a time and return the pan to a low heat, sprinkle in a pinch of cayenne pepper. Whisk in the lemon juice and hotsauce and dill – add water to achieve desired thickness and VOILA!

While your stirring in a new pot boil enough water that it would just cover an egg on maximum heat.

Step 3:

Take two slices of smoked salmon and drape a piece over each of the toasted bagel halves. If you buy your salmon from the grocery store it will likely be frozen so please let it thaw overnight in your refrigerator – Remember to always check the label before you eat it! Smoked salmon is usually pre-cooked so you shouldn’t have to cook it.


Step 4:

Your almost done!! Now with that boiling pot of water from Step Two drop 2 eggs in on maximum heat. Crack an egg into a teacup ( in this case do it twice). Lower the teacup into the water slowly to release the egg into the water on a med – low heat. The egg white will coagulate in the water and turn white. Most eggs will take between two and three minutes for the white to cook but leave the yolk still runny. Remove the egg at this point with a slotted spoon or strainer.

Step 5:

The final step. You will place the eggs on top of the smoked salmon and smother with your hollandaise sauce. I like to add spinach or tomato as well but it’s really your preference from there on out. Sometimes spears of asparagus are a popular favorite as well along with some fresh capers and mint leaves.

Bon Appetit!


#Change The World By Doing Work You Love


Think back for a second to one or two of your most proud accomplishments. Think about where you were and what was going on. Really feel what you felt. Do you remember who was there?

Now think of your most recent accomplishment – big or small. Anything you’re super proud of will do.

What was the first urge you had immediately after the accomplishment?

If you’re anything like the rest of the world, it was to tell someone. Maybe you called your husband or wife, grabbed your business partner or called a close friend. If all else failed, perhaps you grabbed someone on the street.

Whoever it was, one thing doesn’t change. When we accomplish things or have meaningful experiences, our natural reaction is to share it with others. Because when we share it, it takes the experience to a whole new level.

Why is it fun to go to a party, have a workout partner or build a family?

Because relationships make life what it is. Most everything we look forward to has a great deal to do with the people we are going to experience it with. Whether it’s a wedding and the family, friends and person you are about to marry, or if it’s a solo trip around the world and the uncertainty of all the amazing people you are likely to meet along the adventure.

Everything is fun because of people.

It all comes back to relationships.

Especially ones closest to you.

Unfortunately the ones closest to us are the ones we tend to take for granted the most. Ever notice how you can easily be in a nasty mood around your spouse but as soon as you’re around strangers, friends or acquaintances, everything is peaches and cream?

What’s with that? Shouldn’t it be the other way around – Offer your best to those who mean the most to you?

Without the people close to me nothing else matters.

Everyone reading this is in one of two places: You either love your work or are going to love your work real soon. That’s going to change the world and we desperately need it.

But either way, you will no doubt face this problem. Yes, it’s a high-class problem to have,  but also one with serious repercussions if not taken to heart.

Love your work. Get lost in it. Make it a part of who you are.

But don’t let yourself forget why what you do matters in the first place.

The people close to you come first. No matter how big the dreams you’re living or the accomplishments your achieving.

The people close to you come first.

Sure, there will be plenty more 2-3 weeks stretches where I’m about to launch something new and all hands are on deck. But for every one of those stretches, I promise to have plenty more days out on an adventure or laying on the couch with Chelsea getting lost in our favorite game or watching way too many episodes of Friday Night Lights (or whatever show we happen to be obsessed with at the time). And there will be plenty more weeks and months of exploring new parts of the world on top of that.

Because it’s those experiences that make things fun. They’re what matter.

It’s easy to forget. And all of us will from time to time (I know I’ll be guilty of it again). So let this be a reminder. And be thankful of the people close to you who care enough to get angry or hurt when you temporarily lose your way.

We need that wakeup call more than anything.

So what relationships have you let slip? Who deserves more attention? Who do you want to give more attention but have recently convinced yourself you “don’t have the time”? Who do you want to connect with for the first time?

Jot down a list of names and it’s time to play a little catch-up.

I’ve put together a few ideas to help get things back on track…


Source: http://liveyourlegend.net/

5 Ways to Stay #Motivated over the Christmas Holidays

1. Find Inspiration:

Inspiration, for me, comes from others who have achieved what I want to achieve, or who are currently doing it. It also comes from my environment surroundings and even things I read  in other blogs, books,  or magazines. I Google my goal, and read success stories. Zen Habits is just one place for inspiration, not only from me but from many readers who have achieved amazing things. If I am really stuck, I do yoga to open up my mind.

2. Have ONE goal:

Whenever I’ve been in a slump, I’ve discovered that it’s often because I have too much going on in my life. I’m trying to do too much. And it saps my energy and motivation. It’s probably the most common mistake that people make: they try to take on too much, try to accomplish too many goals at once. You cannot maintain energy and focus (the two most important things in accomplishing a goal) if you are trying to do two or more goals at once. It’s not possible — I’ve tried it many times. You have to choose one goal, for now, and focus on it completely. I know, that’s hard. Still, I speak from experience. You can always do your other goals when you’ve accomplished your One Goal.

3.  Get Excited:

This sounds obvious, but most people don’t think about it much: if you want to break out of a slump, get yourself excited about a goal. But how can you do that when you don’t feel motivated? Well, it starts with inspiration from others (see above), but you have to take that excitement and build on it. For me, I’ve learned that by talking to my wife about it, and to others, and reading as much about it as possible, and visualizing what it would be like to be successful (seeing the benefits of the goal in my head), I get excited about a goal. Once I’ve done that, it’s just a matter of carrying that energy forward and keeping it going.

4. Commit Publicly:

None of us likes to look bad in front of others. We will go the extra mile to do something we’ve said publicly.  You can do it with friends and family and co-workers, and you can do it on your blog if you have one. And hold yourself accountable — don’t just commit once, but commit to giving progress updates to everyone every week or so. I write everything down and make check lists to ensure I am achieving my goals.

5. Think about it daily:

If you think about your goal every day, it is much more likely to become true. To this end, posting the goal on your wall or computer desktop (as mentioned above) helps a lot. Sending yourself daily reminders also helps. And if you can commit to doing one small thing to further your goal (even just 5 minutes) every single day, your goal will almost certainly come true.



#Yoga and #Surf Tips: Back-Strengthening

Exercise: The following is a back-strengthening and chest-opening pose.

Benefits: This pose opens the chest muscles and fascia, builds the back muscles, with core stabilization and structural alignment. It also creates a positive muscle memory for over-use that results from paddling.

How To Do It:

1. Start with your forehead on the ground. Tuck your chin and face your palms, with your feet together.

2. When you inhale, reach your fingers back and your feet up. Keep your knees and feet together as you raise your chest in concert with your breathe.

3. When you exhale drop your forehead down on the ground, tucking your chin, and lowering your feet and hands.

4. Repeat three times.

5. Go into child’s pose to ease any lower back tension from the sacrum.


4 Tips to Maximize Your Surfing Workout

Image#1 – Focus on Core Strength

Core strength is referencing the muscles in your back and abdominal region.  They keep your spine straight and strong and keep your body balaned.  Surfing involves lots of rotating, balance and twisting.  Having solid core strength will ensure safety and decrease your chances of injury.  Adding exercises to include your neck, chest, back and hips will help to insure that your core isn’t overpoweringly strong, therefore throwing you off balance.  Strengthening your core will increase your ability to surf very quickly.  Some exercises to try for core strength would be squats, back extensions and stability ball twists.

#2 – Try Yoga!

If you haven’t already realized the power of incorporating yoga into your workout, now is the time!  Why Yoga for surfers you may ask?  Well, yoga allows you to strengthen and stretch every single muscle used in surfing.  It is also guaranteed to make you a better surfer by increasing your balance, your stamina…even your mental focus!  It can offer you stretches that will improve your muscles in the areas you need it most, such as your rotator cuffs for paddling, and your core muscles to help you stand up on your board quickly and with balance.  Not to mention the fabulous breathing techniques you’ll learn and practice that will increase your lung capacity greatly.   Practicing yoga when the swell is gone is a great way to help you say conditioned and prepared for when that swell comes back!  Some recommended poses would be downward facing dog or the plank.

#3 – Don’t forget to stretch!!

Stretching and flexibility are absolutely necessary for anyone serious about surfing.  If you become sore after a surf, that muscle soreness can prevent you from being completely on top of your game.  All that paddling and the impact from the waves can really put stress and strain on your physical body.  This is why adding a good stretching regime to your excersices is so important.  Not only do you decrease your physical soreness, you also increase the chances that you will not become injured.  You must remember to stretch both before and after a good surf, in addition to adding it to your regular exercise routine.  Stretch everything from your neck to your ankles!!!

#4 – Nutrition! Nutrition! Nutrition!!

Proper nutrition will ensure you can surf longer and have less negative side effects when you really spend a lot of time on the waves. Using common sense is key.  Eat as close to nature as you possibly can, be aware of your higher nutritional requirements because of the high activity and be sure to eat protein, carbs and healthy fats at every meal.  Feed the brain and feed the body!  And always always remember to stay hydrated! Limit caffeine and drink a minimum 100 oz of water every day…more on a scorcher.

10 Tips to Improve Your Stoke

Improve your Stoke

Courtesy of http://surftweeters.com/10-tips-to-improve-your-stoke/?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+SurftweetersBlog+%28SurfTweeters%29


The best surf workout I have found so far…

Top 5 #gifts under $35 for your lady surfer – Guaranteed smiles Christmas Morning!

1. Lush Ocean Salt Cleanser – from Lush Cosmetics $34.95 CAD


2. Bumble and Bumble Surf Spray $23.00



3. MEC Weigh Light Dry Bag – $17-$25 CAD


4. Sticky Bumps Cold Water Surfboard Wax 5 Pack $6.20 CAD

5. The Pilgrimage: 50 Places to Surf Before You Die [Paperback] – $28.13 CAD

My favorite – Homemade Kale Chips

From http://allrecipes.com/recipe/baked-kale-chips/


  • 1 bunch kale
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon seasoned salt


  1. Preheat an oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Line a non insulated cookie sheet with parchment paper.
  2. With a knife or kitchen shears carefully remove the leaves from the thick stems and tear into bite size pieces. Wash and thoroughly dry kale with a salad spinner. Drizzle kale with olive oil and sprinkle with seasoning salt.
  3. Bake until the edges brown but are not burnt, 10 to 15 minutes.

Life is a #gift – My Brothers Story #fuckcancer

A lot of friends and acquaintances messaged me saying they had read my last blog post. I didn’t know that many people read it, so that was a cool surprise. It was also a really good feeling to receive so many messages as I didn’t really realize just how many people were thinking about me through all of this.

I thought I’d give an update as to what is going on now. I also wanted to share what this whole cancer situation taught me.

I have had the surgery and everything seems to be fine. I find out on Thursday if I need chemo but I don’t think I will. I have a really good feeling that the worst is over and that I will be fine. For those of you who don’t know, I had testicular cancer. I had to get the surgery that as a man seems like your worst nightmare come true. Yeah… you guessed it.

Last November, I nearly died in a car accident. I broke all my ribs, had a collapsed lung and a torn spleen. Then, this past early November, I was driving down the Port Mann bridge and saw a lady lying dead on the road, torn apart to pieces.

Then, my dad had some strokes. Me and my colleague were talking about it and he was saying he hopes my dad is okay and how crazy it is that something can happen to you out of nowhere like that. The next thing we knew, his dad was in the hospital too, with lung cancer. We were then talking about how short life is. A week later, I was in the hospital, finding out I had a seminoma tumor, sitting in my car thinking about the fact that I might die in a much shorter amount of time than I suspected…. the thought of only having a few months left crossed my mind more than once, no matter how positive I tried to be. Eventually that feeling went away, and I realized something else.

The actual reality is, you can die and life is short. It’s a cliche for a reason… You can lose everything even if you take the safe route. You could go for a drive down the road to work, not knowing that is your last day. I think it’s very important for people to remember this. If everyone did, the world would be a different place.

So what Im going to do, is take risks in life and deal with the consequences after the fact. You need to go after what you want and forget the rest. There is no downside when you do that.

The honey badger would agree with all of this I think. The honey badger just takes what it wants…he doesn’t give a sh*t.

And that’s it. That’s what I learned. Hope to see everyone again soon and I’ll be back to 100% within a week or two!


Get a Quicker Pop-up with Peggy Hall (Yoga for Surfers)

Welcome to Women For Waves!

I am excited to have you reading my blog. I am just a young women with an obsession for surfing and all things related to the ocean. My goal is to raise money for young women to be able to surf and to stay out of trouble. Surfing has been linked to aiding with autism and definitely assists with self esteem. I know for me personally, it keeps me out of trouble, forces me to eat healthy and maintain a fitness routine – it saved my life. This blog is to get the ball rolling on what hopefully one day will be an international movement to help get young ladies more involved in the sport of surfing.

Let the Ocean Guide You